In the February depths of a damp gray New York, 12 hardy members of the Harris Hill Soaring Club of Elmira NY, loaded trucks and trailers with gear and glider to follow the sun to Bermuda High Soaring for some intensive mid-winter instruction.
The effort paid significant dividends to those who made the trip and a combined 150 flights. The following milestones reached by club members and much exercise of flight muscle memory by all.
· Congratulations to Scott Dahl for making his first solo flight. It’s all final glide to your Private from here!
· Doug Dabroski and Ken Foreman joined the Private Pilot club.
· Geoff Knauth and Patrick Parks punched their tickets for the best club volunteer duty of all (Demo Rides!!!) with their Commercial Glider check rides.
Well done all!
Special thanks to Sean Murphy and John Fessenden, our stalwart instructors and all-around great guys, for living in the back seat of the 2-33 training gliders for 4 days while student and private pilots alike got in their critical and fruitful air time.
Also, many thanks to all the good people at Bermuda High Soaring. Their dedication and professionalism has rightfully made Bermuda High a destination for quality instruction, rapid skill building, and world class memory making.
The trip was so successful that Harris Hill Soaring Club is considering making this an annual event. Can’t think of a better way to break the winter doldrums, make new friends, and reach new heights of soaring skill than a trip with the Harris Hill crew to sunny Bermuda High. What is your goal for next year’s trip?
Thanks to Geoffrey Knauth for the photos.